The Wanderer

As I walked through the wilderness of this world …

The most dangerous person

with 2 comments

Sure, we all can spot the unbeliever who doesn’t fluently speak the language of Zion, we can identify the person from doctrinally anemic backgrounds because they keep cutting themselves with the sharp knives in the theology drawer, and of course any Calvinist can sniff out an Arminian within 20 seconds.

But I submit that these types of people are not the most dangerous people that attend your church. At least, they are not in my experience.

Instead, the most dangerous person at your church is . . .

Find out who the Ordinary Pastor believes is the most dangerous person in his church. It is insightful. One fellow-pastor who saw this felt it was rather a case of the nail being squarely struck on the head.

Written by Jeremy Walker

Wednesday 5 October 2011 at 07:53

Posted in Pastoral theology

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2 Responses

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  1. Thanks Jeremy for this post. It comes at a time when our church is lamenting the loss of two families in the last several months. I think that each of these families was (to a greater or lesser degree) headed by the most dangerous person in our church. Each had come into the church with joy and gratitude but eventually manifested a cooling of affection and drawing back from intimacy. In each case it was afterward discovered that the heads of those homes had begun to drink deeply from materials which drew them away from their doctrinal moorings. In neither case did the men candidly ask the elders to give judgment on the soundness of these tainted waterholes. Only after they were “convinced” did they reveal that they were leaving us.


    Friday 7 October 2011 at 18:43

    • I am sorry to hear of your disappointments with those who are persuaded that they are perfectly able to teach themselves, perhaps by heaping up for themselves other teachers who will lead them astray. I think that the fact that these things are so often sprung upon elders fully developed – juggernauts already running out of control at full throttle – makes them so hard to handle, and allows so much damage to be done. May God grant you a long season of deeper peace and unity.

      Jeremy Walker

      Saturday 8 October 2011 at 19:47

By all means, consider chipping in . . .