The Wanderer

As I walked through the wilderness of this world …

Calvin and the Sabbath

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Are you ready to claim Calvin as cover for your non-Sabbatarianism?  Are you embarrassed by the stories of the man of God playing an extravagant game of bowls on Sunday?  Before you do either, read this from ‘Thomas Goodwin’:

How many people have you come across – who take exception to the W[estminster] C[onfession of] F[aith] on the Sabbath – who embrace Calvin’s position and also seek to preach God’s word 10-15 times a week, and multiple times on the Lord’s day?

There are instances all along the theological spectrum of men whose practice is better than their doctrine at some points.  That’s not an excuse: practice generally follows doctrine.  But let us not make the doctrine of others an excuse for our own pathetic practices.

Written by Jeremy Walker

Friday 5 December 2008 at 20:44

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